At first glance, compliance simply means meeting all statutory provisions in an enterprise – something that should really come naturally, one would think.

In point of fact, though, lawful conduct within large entities (including small-scale medium-sized enterprises) requires significant organisational effort. The management needs to ensure relevant standards are being recognized in good time, employees are systematically informed and trained, processes and responsibilities are clearly defined and effective control mechanisms are implemented.

However, experience has shown that over time even well-managed companies tend to develop a certain culture of trust which leads to competences becoming blurred and supervision increasingly being regarded as mistrust. In turn, both error-proneness and the risk of breach of trust increase, reputational loss and penalties threaten.

Effective compliance management systems, on the other hand, help prevent such damage events and, in cases of criminal offences or minor breaches of law being committed from within the company, help minimize ensuing consequences such as exclusion from public tenders or penalties.

We help you identify critical issues in your enterprise and support you in the determination of operational procedures and reporting and documenting duties obligatory for your staff as well as the introduction of effective control mechanisms. If required, we implement an external whistleblowing system for you. We train your staff and offer management training.

Our expertise has been demonstrated in numerous cases, amongst others when conducting special audits and/or counselling public enterprises.