I see myself as a corporate consultant for legal matters. Whether dealing with financing, protection of intellectual property or designing contracts – it is the long-term strategic perspective that is fundamental to building up your assets for the future.
In a regulatory environment that is not exactly free of surprises, I give you the security of solid experience in the fields of corporate financing, art market financing, fronting bank transactions, licensing and cooperation agreements, copyright and trademarks, as well as competition law. And it is that security that allows you to go beyond the confines of standardised solutions to achieve the best for your business.
If that is your goal, I would be pleased to join you in thinking beyond the here and now and in ensuring sustainable value creation through intelligent contract design for your company.
Born in Hannover
Studied Law and Art History in Freiburg,
at the University of Sussex in Brighton, and in Berlin
European Commission, Directorate-General Competition
Legal Clerkship at the Superior Court of Justice
Admission to the Bar
Successfully completed the course to become certified Specialist Attorney for Intellectual Property
Interim Managing Director of Zentrum Überleben gGmbH
Member of the German Bar Association
Member of the International Legal Committee
of the German Bar Association
German Association for the Protection of
Intellectual Property (GRUR)
Pro Bono
Member of the Board of Überleben Stiftung für Folteropfer – the initiative for the support and treatment of torture victims
Member of the Board of Neue Auftraggeber e.V. – German branch of the art initiative Nouveau Commanditaires/New Patrons