Health Care – A New Focus Area
With a gross value added of almost 364.5 billion euros, the health care industry accounts for about 12.1 percent of the German gross domestic product, and the trend is rising. Around 5.8 million people are employed in the health sector. That is more than every seventh employee.
Berlin’s success as a health metropolis is based on a 300-year-old tradition as a health and science centre. More than a dozen Nobel Prize winners worked here in the past, including researchers such as Rudolf Virchow and Robert Koch.
Advances in medicine and at the same time demographic changes in society require increasingly complex forms of care in the inpatient and outpatient sectors.
The medical profession is facing new challenges with regard to professional and interdisciplinary cooperation. New professional fields, such as physician assistants, are becoming increasingly important. In addition, there are new issues, for example in the areas of E-Health, data protection in the health sector and in the medical advertising law.
The real estate industry, too, must respond to the changing demands of an ageing society and the need for medical and nursing care when developing new projects.
We are addressing these future challenges and are very pleased that as of 01.01.2023
Julia Bette, lawyer and notary, specialist in medical law,
Prof. Dr. Dörte Busch, L.L.M. (Cardiff), lawyer and specialist in medical law,
Esther Meyer, lawyer and specialist lawyer for medical law, and
Kerstin Brauner, lawyer and specialist lawyer for medical law
will join us and will in future be jointly responsible for the new focus area of health care.
In addition to our corporate law, real estate law and financing law practice, we will offer comprehensive advice in medical law, licensing law, billing law, labour law, data protection in the health care sector and advertising law.
Mrs Bette comes to us with her team from the supra-local law firm Bette Westenberger Brink. Ms Bette comes to us with her team from the supra-local law firm Bette Westenberger Brink. Her advisory focus is on practice transfers, the structuring of medical cooperations and the assignment of claims from the health care sector. On issues of assignment of receivables she advises, inter alia, factoring companies. Ms Bette worked for many years as an arbitrator in arbitration proceedings for a litigation financier and is a regular speaker, e.g. on behalf of various university clinics, at the Leipzig Anaesthesia Congress, medical associations and for the German Factoring Association Berlin, e.g. in its Health Working Group. She has also been advising the members of a large dentists’ association for years on all legal issues relating to the dental profession.
Prof. Dr. Busch is a lawyer specialising in medical law and a mediator. She is an honorary professor at the EUFH – Hochschule für Gesundheit | Soziales | Pädagogik. She regularly lectures, especially for pharmaceutical companies and in medical associations. Her focus is on the structuring of medical cooperations, advising medical care centres and physician assistants, regulatory law, advising on the auditing procedures of the Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians (Kassenärztliche Vereinigung), and medical professional law. She also offers advice in English.
In addition to her work as a lawyer with a focus on medical law, Mrs Meyer is also a mediator and lecturer at the EUFH – Hochschule für Gesundheit | Soziales |. Her focus is on regulatory law, billing law and medical professional law. Advising on questions of implementing living wills is particularly important to her.
After working in the Health Committee of the German Bundestag and as legal advisor to a nationwide intensive care company, Mrs Brauner has been working as a lawyer with a focus on medical law since 2015 and has also specialised in labour law by successfully completing the specialist lawyers’ course. She is a member of the board of directors of a cooperative, a lecturer at the EUFH – Hochschule für Gesundheit | Soziales | Pädagogik (University of Applied Sciences for Health | Social Affairs | Pedagogy) and gives lectures for dentists and doctors of medicine. Her focus is on labour law for the health care professions, data protection law for physicians and dentists and advice on medical professional and regulatory law, founding and cooperation in the health care industry, medical liability law and care companies on licensing and supply contracts, regular and ad hoc audits by the MDK.